Preparing for a Positive Birth.
Childbirth. We've all heard the horror stories and seen the Hollywood movies depicting pain and trauma. But birth doesn't have to be like this. If you want to approach the birth of your child with a calm confidence. If you want to learn new skills and tools to face your fears and remain in control. If you want a partner who is actively involved in supporting you through labour. If you want to look back at your birth and feel empowered and joyful. Then this is the class for you.
Our standard classes run over four consecutive weeks every Tuesday evening at 6pm.
See our Class Schedule to book a date that suits your pregnancy.
The ideal time to undertake my class is when you’re between 20 and 33 weeks pregnant.
Reach out to me to discuss your options and find a time that is right for you.
Unit 1
Creating & Maintaining
a Positive Mindset
Introduction to Hypnobirthing
How our brains are wired for birth
The role of caregivers
What is a Positive Birth?
The "hypno" in Hypnobirthing
Understanding our hormones in birth
The physiological process of birth
Fear of birth - it's history and how to release it
Models of care in pregnancy & labour
The Birth Toolkit

Unit 3
Preparation & Your Choices for an Empowered Birth
Bonding with baby
Birth Preferences
Interventions and Hospital Procedures
Dates and Inductions
Preparing your body
Optimising baby's positioning
Breech or Posterior positions
Self-Hypnosis (deep relaxation meditation)
Instant Relaxation Techniques

Unit 2
Our Toolkit for Birth
Self-Hypnosis Tracks
Music for Birth
Conditioning with Scent
The Power of Touch
Releasing Endorphins
The impacts of Facial Relaxation
Breathing Techniques
Bubble of Comfort

Unit 4
Birth - Bringing it all together
Signs of Labour
Your birth partner's role
Toolkit for birth
Finding your comfort
Special circumstances
Fear Release
Cord clamping & placenta delivery
Skin to skin bonding
Initiating breastfeeding
What to expect after your birth
Recommended Practice Routines